Just a coincidence or
a design for the long term?
1. Take a $20 bill and fold it in two through its length....
2. Fold it again as shown below...
(Fold it exactly in this way)
3. Fold the other side similarly to the previous step...
And... voilą! see the PENTAGON in flames!! (red circle)
4. Now... very simple... turn it around.....
And see the WTC smoking....
What a coincidence... This incredible disaster, predicted on every $20 bill
Actually, if you fold the $5, $10, $50, and $100 bills the same way as shown
here for the $20, they all portray the 9/11 attack in the order that it happened,
from the WTC towers standing correct in the $5, to smoke in the $100.
You be the judge!
It's not all... you haven't seen this yet...
First |
Then |
...and now... look at this!
Three times predicting 911 on a simple $20 bill !!!!!!!!
And the FBI and CIA tell us it wasn't possible to avoid it !!!!!
Posted by: Veronica.
Also note that:
9 + 11 = 20
The $20 note that can be folded in the ways depicted above is part of a new
series of designs, made between 1996-2001, and was first issued in September
1998... See the pict below for comparison.