Christians Should Stop Wasting Their Votes on Men Who Will Not Stand Up for Righteousness
April 29, 2004
Where Have All
The Christians Gone?
The Republicans say anybody but Kerry. The Democrats say anybody but Bush. But
what do the Christians say, or more importantly, what does God say?
Christians Should Stop Wasting Their Votes on Men Who Will Not Stand Up for Righteousness
by Steven Lefemine
Columbia Christians for Life
In the November 2004 elections, my plea to Christians is to vote for
righteousness. The Bible says that "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but
sin is a reproach to any people." [Proverb 14:34] If Christians vote for
either Bush or Kerry, as with most Republicans and Democrats, they are wasting
their votes. Principled, Bible-believing constitutionalists have an alternative
candidate already available, in whom they can sow a righteous vote in faith,
asking the Lord to bring a righteous harvest: Michael Peroutka with the
Constitution Party. Christians who are truly disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
cannot and must not vote for George W. Bush in November 2004, because To Vote
for Bush is to Sin Against God. (
George W. Bush has praised Islam as a great religion, celebrated Ramadan in the
White House, and stated that Christians and Muslims worship the same God/god.
He has appointed open sodomites to high office, including sodomite Michael Guest
as the U.S. Ambassador to Romania. Bush supports sodomite civil unions. He
believes there should be so-called "exceptions" to a ban on
decriminalized child-murder (i.e., abortion), but won't fight even for that
much of a ban because he doesn't believe the country and Congress is ready to
ban child-murder (how's that for "reckoning without God" ?). Bush is
a hypocrite when he and his cabinet officials call for cutting off the supply
of dollars to foreign terrorist organizations like al-Queda, but nevertheless
continues to fund with U.S. taxpayer dollars, America's largest abortion
domestic terror organization, Planned Parenthood (Murder, Inc.), which
slaughters over 200,000 unborn American children per year, by surgical abortion
alone; and yet, receives approximately $100 million per year through the HHS
Appropriations bill (via Title X and Medicaid) which George W. Bush signs, and
the Republican-majority US House and the Republican-majority US Senate vote to
approve !!
The Bible says, "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth
the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD." [Proverb 17:15]
President Bush's justification of the wicked, including false religionists,
sodomites, and child-murderers, makes him an abomination to the Lord. How can
Christians cast a vote for such a man? The Bible says, "And have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them." [Ephesians 5:11] Christians, have no fellowship with George W.
Bush's tolerance of false religion, sodomy, and child-sacrifice!! The Bible
says, "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil;" [Exodus 23:2]
Just because many Christians are in idolatrous bondage to the Republican Party,
and have an ungodly fear of what might happen if they don't support what they think
is "the lesser of two evils", does not mean that Biblically-obedient
Christians who put their faith and trust in the Lord and His Word should go
along with the crowd, taking this nation off the cliff of self-destruction and
calamitous divine judgment for our corporate wickedness? God has not called us
as Christians to a lesser of evil. He's called us to holiness! Any politician
who casts a vote or signs legislation to fund child-killing has innocent blood
on his hands. [Proverb 6:16, 17] That includes George W. Bush.
George W. Bush, like John F. Kerry, is a Skull & Bones secret society
member, and a puppet for the New World Order globalist Establishment Illuminati
(Rockefeller crowd), working as hard as they can to bring about a one-world
government of socialist tyranny, that would supersede America's sovereignty and
Constitution. To vote either for Bush or Kerry is to further commit national
President Bush has repeatedly, and continues, to justify the wicked; from
advancing the homosexual agenda, to funding abortionists, to praising Islam, to
signing unconstitutional bills into law that further socialism and shred our
Bill of Rights. Christians should stop wasting their votes on men who will not
stand up for righteousness! Jesus gave us a "litmus" test by which to
judge with righteous judgment [John 7:24] the deeds of men. Jesus said, in
regard to righteously discerning false prophets: "Ye shall know them by
their fruits [actions]." [Matthew 7:16] Christians, exercise some
righteous judgment!
On the other hand, Michael Peroutka with the Constitution Party is a 100%
pro-life candidate who supports the personhood of unborn human beings from the
moment of fertilization, without any so-called "exceptions". Michael
Peroutka will not sign any appropriations bills which fund either surgical
abortion or chemical abortion. Besides being against God's Law, such
socialistic legislation is nowhere authorized in the enumerated powers of
Congress in the US Constitution, and is therefore also unconstitutional.
Christians, if we as the Body of Christ will repent of the unbiblical practice
of voting for evil, even the lesser of evils, and vote for righteousness,
inspecting Constitution Party candidates and perhaps others to discern whether
they have Biblically-based, constitutionalist positions, then we will most
wisely position ourselves to receive God's blessing, power, anointing, and
deliverance, for the healing of our sin-sick land. [2 Chronicles 7:14] "Blessed
is the nation whose God is the LORD" [Psalm 33:12]
The choice is yours Christian. Choose you this day Whom or what you will serve.
[Joshua 24:15] On November 2, 2004, the ballot you cast in secret in the voting
booth will reflect the loyalty of your heart, whether it be to the God of the
Bible, or some god of your own creation and design. I beseech you, in Jesus'
Name, "choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"
[Deuteronomy 30:19]
Steven Lefemine is from Columbia Christians for Life, South Carolina