The Stock Market Crash - Economical Collapse

I am about to hit the finances of the USA. I am about to hit the factories and I am about hit the farms. I am going to cripple the economy of this land in a great way; and woe to the greedy. Woe to the proud and to the stiff-necked. Woe to the tale bearers and to the false accuses. For, this day the rod of judgement falls on the stock market. This day, the rod of judgement falls on the congress of the USA, a gathering of many whores. This day, my judgement falls upon the trucking industry of the USA; for I shall cause a traffic jam of trucks to push and pull at one another the length of this land. I shall cause trains to stop for weeks and I shall cause airplanes to fall unexpectedly from the sky. I shall cause many signs in the Heavens to fall all over the USA and on other parts of the world; for through these signs you will see and know that the wrath of God is stirred. You will know that My anger is kindled. You will know that what you see is not only a warning, but is a harbinger of much greater things to come. You will see the assassin strike to kill a man of great power. You will see the assassin strike not once but twice in quick succession.

Yea, you will know that mine anger is kindled against a proud, arrogant, and stiff-necked people, a people, who are caught up in their own prideful ways; and you will know that the God of Abraham and Isaac is still the God of All Creation, yea the Most High God, Jehovah, the One God. You will know that my judgement is upon this land; for you shall hear more and more of pestilence and plagues.

Yes, I am warning the greedy to get off their so-called "stashes of money" and help My people in My works; or I shall move in and take every dime. I shall move in and take your homes and your vehicles. I shall move in and I shall wreck your comfortable lifestyles and I shall leave you with little or nothing in your pockets. Yes, it is true that those, who have the least often give the most, but I tell you this day that they have their rewards in Heaven. Now is the time that you will come forth and help mine anointed with these works and you will help other of mine anointed with the works, which I have given them to do, or I shall cause a great and mighty fire to hit your finances; and this is not a fire, which will bless you. This is a fire, which will curse you; for this is the holy fire, which is from my throne.


But, remember, My Child, that I allow the New World Order to rise for a season, all to test and try, to humble My Faithful, and to make them ready for their heavenly rewards. Yea, I allow the old system to crumble and fall; for I am bringing into the Earth a new system through My Son. Yea, I am tearing down the old, the rotten and the putrid; for I am bringing in My glory. Yea, I warn all to take note, to observe what has happened today! I warn all , who trust in the riches and the fat of this land to behold; for what you see today is meant for the whole of this land! Yea, I warn each of you to get your spiritual houses in order and to get ready for the Coming of My Son; for He will come when you expect it least. Truly, here and there, one or two will be taken and the rest will be left standing. Yea, a grave warning is going out across this land to all, who trust in their riches, or in their self-sufficiency to sustain them! I tell you now that today many souls went to hell! Today, they cry out in anguish from the bowels of hell for water! They cry out for forgiveness, but it is too late! They cry out for another chance; but it is too late. They have missed the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! They have missed their heavenly inheritance because they trusted in the arm of the flesh. Yea, this day the bowels of hell opened up and took many; but few, very few made their way into Heaven. I tell you now that you do not know how long you have! Today could be your last day! Did those, who died today, think that it would be their last? Nay! They did not! For, even unto the end many partied! Many loved the world and what was in it and at their death, the Lord of this dark world, the devil, himself, was ready to claim his prey.

This calamity is a wake-up call. It is a wake-up call for those, who slumber. It is a wake-up call for the greedy. It is a wake-up call for the leadership of this country. It is a wake-up call for the fat and greedy whores in congress! Yea, it is a wake-up call for those, who will not lift a finger to help My struggling prophets! It is a wake-up call for those, who take and take and take; but will not give! Yea, it is a wake-up call for all, even and especially the rich!


Your financial system is only paper. Yet, many grab the paper and think that you have a rock-solid economy. You do not. You have only paper, which is worth the ink and paper it is made of, actually worth little or nothing. Have the talking heads of your financial system not told you as a people, ad finitum, that all is well with your economy, even when you look around and see your economy falling apart with hundreds of thousands out of work, trillions lost in the stock market and poverty on the rise. Have they not told these lies?

Your New World Order is intending on taking out the financial markets one by one until only one remains, that of the New World Order. Child, these schemers own enough around the world that they can crash any market simply by manipulating it. The roads are being paved for your own crash.

Those on Wall Street shall be in a frenzy. They shall be in a state of shock and they shall run from one to the other crying, ‘What shall we do, what shall we do?’ The extent of this shall be unexpected. You television shall shout. Your newspapers shall shout, ‘It is unexpected. This is unexpected.’ But, Child, not to those behind the scenes. Those, who serve Lucifer, know of this in advance. You are sitting ducks before the Red Tide. You are the blind giant.

My hand is in this, Child. Your stock market will start to see large fluctuations. Many will begin to sell off stocks from fear and your economy, which is now strong, will start to sink. You will see panic set in. When you are caught up in self and trouble at home, they will invade you, as you will be unprepared."


When all begins to unfold, each event will be followed very quickly by the next; and the series will begin with the fall of your stock market. You are already seeing a foreboding of things to come through your weather patterns and volcanoes, but you have seen nothing yet. I am Jesus. I am Jehovah, Most High God of Earth.


Now thus says the Lord to those who believe they are headed for the kingdom. Beware. Have you listened to My word? Have I not prepared My people? Have I not told them of things to come? Yet you stand on the verge of the greatest destruction of the economy of this earth.

This world shall not see an economy like it has now, ever again. I shall bring it down, and I shall keep it there. For they shall try and raise it up, but I shall not allow it. Trust Me, says the Lord. When the great crash occurs, it shall come down. Have I not for years sent prophets, prophesying that you are to pay off your debts and not borrow? Have I not done so for years? Yet My people claim to believe this, yet they turn around and borrow, and borrow, and borrow. They dig themselves a hole of debt, and yet they claim to believe My prophets. Hear Me. Those who walk with Me follow My word, and My direction––I will prepare a way for them. No matter how it is done I will do it. But those who seek to fill their hearts with the things of this earth, so that they may have money and goods to make themselves proud and boastful in their hearts, those people shall fall. I shall bring them down, says the Lord, and I shall bring them down hard! You hear the word. You stand on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of mankind.

Those people who spent the most debt to get where they are––they will be in the ditch first, they will be in the ditch very soon from the economic crash

For thus says the Lord, great is the plans of the Lord God for the coming days. I have directed some of My people to do certain things. Many are reluctant to do them. The planning for the future is the key at this point. To pay off your debts is a key at this point. To prepare for the financial problems that shall come is a key at this point. The days are soon coming when you will see the great financial collapse that has been so prophesied by so many prophets for so long. When it comes, don’t be surprised at the way it comes. Don’t be surprised at how long it takes to occur. Don’t be surprised at how serious it becomes. There is a God, which is Me, saith the Lord, which is above all else, and I control all. If you will humble yourself and obey My Word, I will be with you even to the ends of the earth. I will not bring a disaster upon you, but instead I will guide you through this. Look through the Old Testament. Look at the prophet Elijah. When the brook dried up, I sent him to a widow woman who had no food to feed him, save for one meal. Yet that one meal lasted to the end of the drought. You see, it is not based on what you see around you. It is not based on what you imagine. It is based on My power, says the Lord, and I meet the needs of My people.

We are on the verge of great and terrible calamities and most of the people the world over are sleeping. It seems that Wall Street rises to greater heights with each calamity. My advice to each and every on of you is that you get your money out of the market, that you put a certain amount in cash and a certain amount in gold and silver coins. All of us need to get out of debt as fast as we can as we have so little time. The wolf is at our door."
The New World Order bankers will declare that all debts must be paid for this country is totally bankrupt and totally controlled by them. Many will not be able to pay their bills. Bankruptcy will no longer be an option and they will come to seize all property and to throw the debtors into prison. This is their plan and I tell you, My Child, that the enactment of the same is not far off. Understand?"
You have been warned and the wise will listen. Be free of debts and get prepared in Me. Get strong spiritually; and get on the straight and narrow and stay there. You cannot believe your senses this year. Truth and freedom rest in Me.

"But, this is not all," our Lord is saying, "the feeding frenzy on Wall Street is full of lies! Wall Street is just another illusion of the masses; and while the super rich are withdrawing their money from the USA and putting it outside the USA, the little person has no clue. This, My Precious Ones, is part of the great illusion of the dragon system. It is to deceive each of you into thinking that all is well until the trap door slams shut and catches many of you. Suddenly, millions upon millions will lose everything; and debtors will come and seize everything. This will put more of the world’s wealth in the hands of a few; and it will make millions upon millions dependent upon the lack of mercy of a few. Many will take the mark readily because they will be told that their debts will be erased, saving them from prison. This, My Little Ones, is what you face. So, I am warning you to wake up! Get rid of your debts, even if it means taking two or three jobs. I say, GET OUT OF DEBT AND LEARN TO LIVE SIMPLY; AND DO THIS QUICKLY! For you have very little time before this fake market takes a great dive; and this time it will not revive. For, as this market begins to loose footing, the Y2K will usher in the chaos, the likes of which the civilized world has never seen. So, I am telling you now, ‘GET OUT OF DEBT, EVEN IF IT MEANS LIVING OUT OF YOUR CAR UNTIL YOU CAN GET IT DONE. Take heed to what I am saying; for if you do not, very soon you shall be sorely sorry. I am Jesus, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
My Precious Ones, I am pleading with each of you to be ever vigilant about your money; and stay away from the worldly traps, which seem so inviting, like movies, which cost $10.00, or more, expensive clothes and meals. All of us have to get out of debt so that we can be free. NO ONE IS EVER FREE, WHO OWES MONEY. EVEN KING SOLOMON SAID THAT THE BORROWER IS SERVANT TO THE LENDER. So, cut up the cards and eat rice and beans if you have to.

You, as an American people, have been lied to. On all accounts regarding this war, you have been lied to. Now, your country is on the verge of economic collapse and this will not be stopped. You will not have money for these military excursions. You will not have money for government-funded programs, like welfare and social security. Your military is in severe distress and soon you will not be able to defend yourselves. My Child, the whole world system is facing economic collapse.
With a national debt approaching 50 trillion dollars, America is totally bankrupt and the international community will not long tolerate a bloated windbag! You, as a nation, will wake up, live according to My moral instructions, and you will survive, or you will be destroyed. This is simple. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."

As witnessed and dictated by Linda Newkirk.