Where is God?

There once was a man, who because of all the sad happenings in the world, came to believe that God did not care much about the people and that he would reluctantly watch how the weak were suppressed by the mighty and the poor overcome by the rich.

God sent an angel to this man who led a virtuous life. This one spoke unto him, "You shell get to know the inapprehensible ways of God, follow me!" The angel guided the man into a palace to a very rich gentleman. The angel gave a big sum of money and many gems unto him. - During that bestowal a needy man reported to the rich man. The angel killed the poor man. -
Thereupon he guided the man into a village to an almost decayed hut, where a large, extremely poor family was living. This hut the angel set on fire and the poor inhabitants saved nothing but their lives.

When the man saw all of this, he spoke to the angel, "You are no messenger of God but a messenger of the devil! You accumulate unrighteousness and nothing but unrighteousness."
The angel spoke, "Listen and you shell reason differently soon! - Behold, the rich one that I gave unto was proud and cheap. But when I increased his wealth significantly, he began to feast and splurge it all until he eventually became a beggar and started to humble himself. - The beggar that I killed was on the right path, however, he would have made a great inheritance the very same day and thus would have become arrogant, lived a life in debauchery and completely fallen off of God. - The poor family whose hut I set on fire was almost ignored in the village before. The fire harm though arroused lots of sympathy near and far and the poor family was given plenty of presents from all sides."