The Great American Seal
An Expression of Occult and Mystical Ideas
On the back of the U.S. one dollar bill is
The Great Seal of the United States of America established by Congress in June,
1782. To some the Seal may look as if it was designed to represent the birth of
a new social order from the 13 colonial states. It may seem to depict a nation
of Christians and characteristics such as freedom, strength and peace. But it
holds many more meanings which are not only secret, but also sinister and
The front side of the Seal
has two Latin phrases around its periphery:
"Annuit Coeptis" (13 letters)
which means "Announcing the beginning or arrival", and on the lower
scroll, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translates to "New
Secular Order" or "New World Order".
The New World Order is an expression that has been used by illuminized
Freemasonry since the days of Dr. Adam Weishaupt to signify the coming world
government. Weishaupt said “It is necessary to establish a universal regime
over the whole world”. President
Bush Sr. also announced the
New World Order
and David Rockefeller said “We are on the verge of a global
transformation. All we need
is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order”.
Also, the lower scroll is enclosed by forked tongues, which are of the false
serpent speaking deceitful lies.
The word "MASON" is found by drawing a hexagram.
At the center of focus is a
pyramid with a seperated triangular capstone containing an eye which is
radiating light in a circular fashion.
This "eye" is called the "third eye" of clairvoyance in the
Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris, the eye of Horus or the eye of the sun god Ra
in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry. Also refered to as the
eye of Providence, “the eye never slumbers nor sleeps,” which alludes to the
"Gestapo" or "Big Brother" system of constant surveillance.
The all-seeing eye is the favorite symbol of the
Illuminati. To them it simply represents the eye of Satan seeing all and is
usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of
The capstone has not come down on the Pyramid indicating an incomplete structure.
Only when the New World Order is established upon all nations and once the world
leader is enthroned will the plan be complete.
There are 13 steps in the pyramid. The number thirteen not only has a bad connotation as far as bad luck, it also has a very high significance in the occult by representing the 13 bloodlines of the Satanic familys. Thirteen was a mystical number to the Egyptians and Babylonians, and also the Masons.
The 9
Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, appear on the foundation of the pyramid and
translate to 1776, the year of independence
and therefore the founding of the United States of America. However, another
important event occured that year, the founding of the Illuminati (the
enlightened ones).
The Pythagoreans, believed that the source of all truth was
hidden in geometric symbolism, with the triangle especially as the most sacred
of all symbols, regarded as the key to unlocking all hidden wisdom.
Placing these values in their respective positions of importance, the first
Roman numeral of each group being placed as the capstone and the remainder being
placed at the base of each pyramid, ...
gives a trinity of 3 symbols each: MDC, CLX and XVI each of
which is in decending sequence for 1600, 160 and 16 in arabic numbers. The
initials of this unholy trinity are the top numerals MCX
which adds up to 1110 while hidden as the
remainder are the base numerals DCLXVI, or 666.
In the Babylonian sexagesimal system (base 60) 1110
(x 0.6) also becomes 666. So, 1776
has hidden in it 666 in the Babylonian and Roman
number systems. 1776 also contains 888, the number of Christ, more prominently,
as 888 x 2 = 1776. The Anti-Christ is known to be hiding his true identity,
claiming to be Christ.
The back side of the Seal has only one 13
letter Latin phrase: "E Pluribus Unum" or "One Out Of Many"
which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's
governments, religions and money systems into one.
At the center of focus is an
eagle. The eagle is a symbol of ancient, pagan forms of deity. For example, the
Assyrian, Roman, and German Nazi empires used the eagle.
The 13 stars above the Eagle head are
arranged in the form of a hexagram or Star of David also known as mogen David,
the most evil of all occult symbols used to invoke Satan. Each individual small
star is five-pointed and is known as the Seal of Solomon wich is used by
initiate witches and warlocks as a means of protection.
The eagle has 32 feathers on one wing, and 33 feathers on the other. The highest
degree or level of Freemasonry are the 32nd
degree in Scottish Rite and the 33rd degree
in York Rite.
The 9 tail feathers of the eagle represent
the nine beings of the innermost circle of the enlightenment in the Great White
Brotherhood or Illuminati.
The 13 arrows in the right claw are symbols
of war and military might. The olive branch with its 13
leaves and 13 olives is a symbol of peace
and the fruits of peace.
The 6 vertical bars comprised of 3 dark lines each and interspaced with 7 white spaces on the lower part of the shield yield the following: Sinful man (6), of the dark trinity (3 dark lines), in opposition to the Seal of God or the seven churches of Christ (7 white spaces). Also 6 stripes + 7 stripes = 13 stripes total.
Click here for the 20 Dollar Bill Mystery
Secret Societies
Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 (Luciferian)
degrees are given a "jewel" to wear - three interlocking triangles,
with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order From Chaos). Lucifer
is rightly called the Author of Confusion. Masonic "wisdom" teaches
that out of Chaos shall come Order. Planned chaos will lead to calls for more
government control and abandonment of freedoms.
Terrorism is a great tool to accomplish this.
This is the Freemason logo of the Skull & Bones Society. 322 refering to Genesis Chapter 3 verse 22 in the Bible. Just as each of the candidates for Skull & Bones membership must pass through an initiation process to obtain perfection and godhood.
Click on red words below to see videos
Both George W. Bush Jr. and John Kerry are publically admitted members of this society finding its origin in Nazi Germany as "Thule Gesellschaft".
and Bones Exposed
The Illuminati
Click here for the Washington D.C. Mystery
Bohemian Grove Exposed
The Secrets of Bohemian Grove
denies Jesus Christ
The Truth About President Bush
The Kennedy-Lincoln History Mystery
Pyramid Symbolism
Let us mention pyramids first in reference to the Egyptian bondage of the Jews (Ex 1:1-22), the slavery the Jews were put under and the use of the Jews to build pyramids. Thus, making the pyramid a symbol of slavery to Jews and Christians. The pyramid has been used heavily in marketing as well. But that is not the only place we see it, we see it in the occult and in cults.
This in-your-face example of
illuminati symbolism is the logo for a new Orwellian DARPA (Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency) division, "Total Information
Awareness." The logo depicts the all-seeing eye at the top of a pyramid
beaming down on the globe.
The writing below reads "Scientia Est Potentia" which translates to
"Knowledge (Science) Is Power".
logo of Fidelity
Investments which is a major financial company just happens to be a pyramid with
an uplifted capstone surrounded by a glory.
Ameritrade is a large brokerage company. The "A" shows an abstract version of the all seeing eye on the pyramid.
More pyramids...
See this unfinished pyramid with the capstone removed and a five pointed star inside...
Founded by illuminati Rupert Murdoch, AOL's logo
is a stylized eye inside a pyramid.
Turned upside down, there are 3 pyramids in the logo forming one big pyramid without capstone.
Mercedes Benz
Two pyramids, one mirror-inverted below the other
All-Seeing Eye
666 - The Mark of the Beast
Ancient Pagan Symbolism
![]() Found in Zoroastrianism, the Persian / Hindu god was called Ahura-Mazda (Mazda as in light bulb, so) the god of light, also known as Ormus, which is another name for the Preiure de Sion, which is a powerful group protecting the 13th Illuminati Bloodline. |
![]() The Winged Sun Disc representing the sun god Ra from Egyptian mythology is being used by groups such as Freemasons and Spiritists. |
Indeed, in some verses like in Isaiah the eagle has a positive connotation. However, the construct, the refraining that is done by the Illuminati upon these symbols is that the eagle represents Satan's empire (i.e. Nazi Germany).
Other occult car names are the Demon, the Vagabond, Buick's Phoenix, Ford's Cobra, Mercury's Cougar, Eagle Jeeps, the Le Baron Eagle Logo, Navistar Eagle Truck (which may have Eagle mud flaps, and Goodyear Eagle GT tires).
The Prophet Hosea said, "Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law." (HOS 8:1)
And the Prophet Obadiah said, "Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.. (OB 1:4)
The intention of this page is not to dissuade anyone from buying products from the mentioned manufacturers. The point is that the occult has placed their symbols all over the world, in particular the United States. These symbols are on our money, our canned food, our cars, and our churches. Yes, there are such things as All-Seeing Eyes in some churches and Masonic logos on others, and other occult symbols.
This nation is immersed in the occult and so desensitized that the majority is oblivious to it.
“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries…By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language…In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable.”
— Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.25
A bent down cross
Beast Symbolism
A rams horns turning downwards. This logo cleverly makes it a
goat head with the horns upward to represent the goat head. (Goat of Mendes)
Historical overview of the Alfa Romeo logo
which shows a dragon kind of serpent crowned as king, eating a human being who
is pointed towards the Christian cross. Could it be any more explicit?
The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. Electra is a recent car named after a demon. Viper is a slow and deadly creature, why would one want to use it to name a car? Viper is also the name of an important demon. Viper is found in Black Widow Monarch slaves.
The well known chocolate company Lindt uses a reptile symbol on its packages.
This is the logo of the Royal Bank and Royal Financial Group in Canada. The lion or dragon claw separates the royal crown from the planet. Now why would they choose to symbolize this?
Two lizards on each SoBe Ice Tea beverage
The number six and at the same time a snake biting its tail. The Orobouros symbol of Eternity and highly symbolic and Egyptian in nature.
The Symbol of Medicine
(Aesclepius, Asklepios; Latin: Aesculapius)
A knotted wooden staff with a mystical snake coiled around it
Sun Worship Symbolism
Texaco Oil displays the Egyptian tau cross in a black and red coloration.
The Shell Oil logo appears to be the golden shell of Aphrodite, the goddess who,
pagan legend says, rose from the sea (see Revelation 13:1 for details).
It's an eight-pronged cross, very obviously a sun symbol. But what's interesting
about it is that the cross is composed of 33
4 dots on each of 8 branches plus the circle formed by the central 8 dots.
Consider Apple's choice for its corporate symbol?
The company's logo is an apple that has had a bite taken out of it. To many
occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden fruit (symbolically,
the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a good thing. Occultists
and New Agers teach that taking a bite out of the apple gave the first two
humans knowledge, or gnosis, putting them on the path to self-divinity and
In the 70s the
entrepreneuers Stephen Jobs, a weird, New Age guru-type, and Steven Wozniak,
also an advocate of the Aquarian Age culture first marketed their earliest,
crude personal computer with a price tag of $666 on the product.
(666 +
the snake coiled around the staff)
Flame Symbolism
Most people don't realize that America especially, is steeped in Idol worship
replete with all of its associated symbology, solid and undeniable proof of its
status as the "New Babylon."
The Statue of Liberty as an arbitrary example, is actually a replica of
the Babylonian goddess "Ishtar" the Mother of Harlots and the goddess
of Freedom/Liberty. This "artwork" was created by a European Freemason
who wanted to honour a Masonic doctrine that dates back to the time of Nimrod
and Babylon! The Statue of Liberty is just another Brotherhood symbol
highlighting the lighted torch of the illuminated ones, the Luciferian Initiated
This goes even farther back to the Samothracian and Cretan mysteries that were
centered on the worship of sacred cosmic fire and a mother goddess who watched
over it. A wooden statue of the goddess, a so called palladium which is a virgin
statue held a lit torch symbolizing the secret wisdom of her mysteries.
Golden Sun disk with what at fist glance appears to be a torch of light within. But it is the male Sun God and his Goddess facing each other at a second glance. Fist chairman was J Richard Munro, formerly chairman of Time Warner, Inc a company whose logo is an all-seing eye. Page 81, Dark Majesty, Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications.
The Wellcome Trust (London), depicting a lit torch with two coiled snakes around it. Hmmmmm?
The Better Business Bureau endorses sites on the net and therefore has a lot of
DC authority over who is given 'approval'. It also uses the eternal flame logo.
The light of the torch in the form of 2 blue stripes, 2 red stripes, then 2 more red stripes = 11 11 11 = 33.
What messages are some of
the world's top corporations sending with their choices for names of products
and companies? For example consider the occultic overtones of the Lucent
Technologies' logo--a fiery red circle. The name "Lucent" is
itself questionable. Some say it stands for Lucifer's Enterprises. Of course,
the corporation's spokesmen vociferously deny it.
Lucent Technologie' communications language is Limbo and the protocols are
called Styx. Lucent Technologies have moved to 666 Fifth Avenue.
Lucent Technologies is touting its newest software
innovation, brand-named "Inferno." Inferno! What message is
this mega-giant company--formerly known as AT&T's Bell Labs--trying to send
Well, Lucent may or may not be an evil firm, but if so, it sure has a lot of company. Consider, for example, Reebok International, the athletic footwear company. Reebok recently gave one of its lines of women's running shoes the telling name, Incubus. In medieval magic and lore, the incubus is a demon that has sex with women while they sleep!
Then there's Honeywell,
the Minnesota-based computer giant. Honeywell has some of its Christian
employees upset because the corporation is reportedly pushing a pro-homosexual
philosophy. All workers are required to attend "Diversity Training"
seminars during which the virtues of the gay lifestyle are extolled and praised.
Honeywell has, for years, had a subsidiary
company based in Europe named--believe it or not--Lucifer Manufacturing!
That's right, Lucifer. Probably just another embarrassing surprise,
right? Are we to believe that Honeywell's top executives had no idea who Lucifer
Honeywell works closely with Oracle,
a software corporation active in Big Brother technologies. Together, Honeywell
and Oracle produce computerized control systems for the New World Order,
including scanning equipment for security operations. Honeywell's global
division has especially found success selling Honeywell's "Smart
Distributed System," which, like Superman's fabled x-ray vision, can
literally see through materials.
Lucifer Lighting. Not to be outdone, a U.S.A. company in San Antonio also goes by the name of Lucifer: Lucifer Lighting Co. A friend sent me one of this company's sale brochures. The brochure advertises that the firm makes and sells such products as Lucifer light strips and Lucifer halogen lights. Now please, tell me: What corporate CEO in his right mind would name a light company "Lucifer?"
Are the shapes of these
logos just coincidences? The corporations mentioned above, and others who have
adopted equally questionable marks and logos, would almost certainly deny that
their logos are either pagan, occultic, or New Age. It may be that the corporate
leadership is, in fact, innocently unaware of the esoteric, sometimes hidden,
meanings of these symbols. Moreover, it must be admitted that a given symbol can
have a multiplicity of meanings. Therefore, we make no railing accusations
against these companies and their products.
But regardless, we do know for sure that
Satan, the temporal "god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4), can be
expected to plant his symbols of evil throughout the globe in the last days. He
is the father of liars, the blasphemous one, the dragon and serpent. I am
convinced that Satan and his agents are very busy these days, conditioning men's
minds and programming their senses with stunningly effective visual magic and
Our argument, our battle, is not with the
corporations of this world. Our struggle is with higher powers. Our holy
campaign is against "spiritual wickedness in high places." What we see
in many of today's company logos and emblems is no doubt a prime manifestation
of spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank God, He is able and willing to guide
us into knowledge and wisdom as we expose today's multiplying, visible
manifestations of evil. Only He can protect us from their hypnotic, mind-control
effects. To paraphrase one corporation's catchy advertising slogan, it can be
said of Jesus--"Don't leave home without Him." He is powerful, and He
is the ultimate in personal security in these deceit-filled last days. A symbol
is a mere representation, or shadow, of something. But Christ Jesus is real. He
is beyond symbolism. He gloriously lives, and He reigns.
For many centuries, the Machiavellian elite have provided the masses with "Bread and Circus". That means "keep the people fed and entertained and they will not rebel." After Americans come home they are kept busy with entertainment. The only exception to their work, and TV watching, are their trips to their churches. Even the various religions are secretly under elite control. The point is that people are kept busy and occupied, and they seldom try to step outside of the path that the elite has them stay in.
Hand Symbolism
"El Diablo" Hand Sign
The Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign
13/33 Numerology
Then there is hidden 13 and 33 in the Microsoft Windows Logo.
There are 33 sections to the United Nations
on the inner emblem logo.
S. Truman. As the 33rd President, this 33rd
degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when
the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd
Parallel Trinity Test Site, Almagordo (Armageddon) White Sands, New Mexico. He
was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese in the Yellow Peril.
On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.m. United States B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission
No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called
"Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan right next to the 33rd
degree latitude line. This was "Day One" of a new age, the Nuclear
Age. It was also 33 days after 169th (13
x 13) anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Afterwards Nagasaki, Japan was nuked as well. Hiroshima lasted from July 4, 1945
to August 6, 1945 which is 33 days.
July 8th 1947, a UFO and
bodies of aliens were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico
at the 33rd Parallel.
Phoenix, Arizona sits on the 33rd degree
latitude line. From the Phoenician Sun God - Pagan (Masonry). UFO Sightings are
common here also.
The explosion of the Apollo 13 spacecraft,
named 'Aquarius' occurred at 1:13 in the
afternoon (which is 13:13 military time) on
April 13, 1970.
The Muslim year is 11 days shorter than the Western calendar system. It is a LUNAR system, where every year consists of exactly 12 moon cycles. The Muslim calendar is known as "hijra", referring to the flight of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later Medina). The Hijra LUNAR calendar starts counting its days on JULY 16, 622 CE, which is considered the foundation date for Islam.
Apollo 11 launched July
16th. Apollo is a pagan god, Roman Empire. Columbia module columbia route
word in latin is columba, a pagan god Roman Empire. Saturn rocket booster Saturn
is a pagan god, Roman Empire. Saturn in old latin is the same word as SATAN.
Remember the metaphor in the Bible of the Tower of Babel. Where Satan was
erecting a tower to try to climb out of hell to get into Heaven. Earth - Hell,
Heaven, The heavens. Somebody was trying to leave this earth, and something was
holding them back. Now with Apollo 11 we have the Satan rocket booster lifting
off from earth(hell) and the tower that disconnected form the Satan rocket
booster had on one side a 6, the top of it a 6, and on the other side a 6 = 666.
You can verify this by watching the documentary that is available on
Mars Pathfinder landing site (19.50 N by 33.30
W which = 33 x 11 = 333) - July 4th, 1997. which is 7/4/1997
NASA has one runway at Kennedy Space Center: Runway 33
Basketball superstar, international cultural icon Michael Jordan retired
from the NBA after completing 13 AMAZING
seasons as the most successful sports superstar ever on Wednesday January 13th,
1999. Has since returned.
We even have a rating for movies PG-13.
When President Kennedy was assassinated, he was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important.
July 6, 1946 was George
Bush's birthday. It can be reduced to the power number 33:
7/6/1946 => 7 + 6 = 13, 1946 => 1 + 9 + 4 + 6 = 20.
20 + 13 = 33 .. .. 11 + 22.
George is a member of Skull and Bones (a spin-off of
the Brotherhood) just like his father and grandfather. Seems old Dubya is
a master in more ways than just President of
United States. There is more to George's name then meets
the eye as you will soon find out. First let's look at what else the
occult has to say about its 'master number'.
The Illuminati illuminated the New York sky on March 11, 2002 for 33 days. The Illumination even made an 11 in the sky.
11 Numerology
To to the Jews the number 11 is bad. The number of trangression of the law, rebellion, war, sin, sorcery, martyrdom; all of which were displayed to the whole world on 9/11.
George Bush Junior announced a national state of mourning on Sept. 11 for 11 days.
George Bush Junior presented his Patriot Act before Congress 11 days after Sept. 11. This was 10,000 pages of legislation. Nobody could write 10,000 pages of legislation in 11 days. That means it was written before Sept. 11. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE.
Flight 11 was the first to enter "New York City" (11 letters). There were 92 (9 + 2 = 11) souls on board, including the 11 crew members, when it slammed into the North Tower:
Flight 175 had 65 (6 + 5 = 11) on board, it struck the South Tower; each tower having 110 stories.
Flight 77 (11 x 7) crashed into the Pentagon
Numerologists use these two methods for calculation with the Chaldean table being the oldest and most accurate.
1 A J S |
2 B K T |
3 C L U |
4 D M V |
5 E N W |
6 F O X |
7 G P Y |
8 H Q Z |
9 I R |
1 A I J Q Y |
2 B K R |
3 C G L S |
4 D M T |
5 E H N X |
6 U V W |
7 O Z |
8 F P |
There is no number 9 in this Numerology chart because, to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred number and was kept apart from the rest. |
Numerologists use the above charts to calculate the number of names and birthdates. Below are two examples:
The Pythagorean Method
S |
+ |
E |
+ |
P |
+ |
T |
+ |
E |
+ |
M |
+ |
B |
+ |
E |
+ |
R |
= 40 => 4 + 0 = 4 |
The Chaldean Method
S |
+ |
E |
+ |
P |
+ |
T |
+ |
E |
+ |
M |
+ |
B |
+ |
E |
+ |
R |
= 38 => 3 + 8 = 11 |
Using the Chaldean method "September" adds up to another 11. These two charts are used by the Illuminati. The Chaldean was probably used in the days of the Tower of Babel by Babylonian priests.
Take all the letters in "George W Bush" and add them up:
G + E + O + R + G + E (3 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 5) = |
25 |
W ( 6 ) |
6 |
B + U + S + H ( 2 + 6 + 3 + 5 ) = |
16 |
Sum--------------------------------------------> |
47 ( 4 + 7 = 11) |
WTC Facts:
Flight 11,
93, 175, 77 - If these numbers are broken down, 11
actually remains the same in numerology, 93 becomes 12, 175 becomes 13 and 77
becomes 14. 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 Broken down again and you have
2 - 3 = 4 - 5. Add them all up and break them all down!
11 + 93 +
175 + 77 = 356 = 14 = 5
11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 50 = 5
2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 = 5
Twin Towers =11 + Flight 11 + September, 11th = 33
In Freemasonry 33 is the highest degree there is. Remember on another page I taught you one must be careful in pointing the finger at an instigator? Well, I'll point the finger right now. Certain members of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military knew the event was going to happen because they are the ones who planned it. They worked together with Osama bin Laden to bring this event to pass.
Flight 11 was a Boeing 767-200. It hit the North Tower at 8:45 AM EST. The length of the aircraft is 159 feet and 2 inches. 1 + 5 + 9 - 2 (planes?) = 13. The number 13 is used extensively within Freemasonry. The 33rd degree Masonic Temple is located just 13 blocks north of the White House. There are many other instances of the number thirteen within Masonry. The Pagan mind is obsessed with numbers and symbols.
Flight 175 was also a Boeing 767-200. This aircraft hit the South Tower. 1 + 7 + 5 = 13. The Twin Towers were hit with planes carrying the occult signatures of '11' and '13', the two most important numbers in the entire occult world. The number '11' symbolizes all that is evil and imperfect [The Old World Order] and the number '13' signifies rebellion against God's constituted authority!
It is interesting that the North Tower was hit first. In Masonic doctrine, North, is designated as the area where darkness, superstition, and ignorance dwells. Albert Pike describes this belief: "To all Masons, the North has immemorially been the place of darkness; of the great lights of the Lodge, none is in the North." [Morals and Dogma, p. 592]
The Elite Mason worships toward the East, because they are pagan Sun worshippers, hence the Eastern Star. Most other Masons do not even realize this. In their Lodges, the North is empty as a symbol of their belief about that direction. Why do Masons believe this way about the North? The Bible states that God sits on His throne in the north [Isaiah 14:13]. By striking the North Tower first, the Illuminist Masons guiding this world into the New World Order may have been symbolically striking at God and His system, the Old World Order!
If you tie these two understandings together, you should realize why the first aircraft designated '11' hit the North Tower first. North is the direction of God's throne.
We know who is behind the terrible tragedy simply by the occult Illuminist signature. Osama bin Laden was only carrying out part of the plan which originated from the Illuminati. If American, British, and Israeli Intelligence really wanted a man out of the way, they would get him no matter how rich or powerful or protected he might be. Osama bin Laden is alive today only because the Illuminati wants him to be alive.
The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons. Remember, The Brotherhood of the Serpent was founded clear back in ancient Sumeria and the one who founded it was overthrown by those who were evil. With evil now in control it took this Brotherhood of the Serpent (Big Brother) and made several spin-offs of it. The Bilderberg Group is one, it has 39 members in its core who are broken into 3 groups of 13. And the 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. The 13 who make up the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine.
Did you know that the original number of states within the United States of America was 13? The Stripes on the American Flag represent this. The Constitution also has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.
The Pagan assigns numbers to objects, planets, or an idea. One of history's greatest Satanist's, W. Wynn Wescott who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century explains:
"The followers of Pythagoras ... referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. 'The numerals of Pythagoras', says Porphyry, who lived about 300 A.D., 'were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he explained all ideas concerning the nature of things', and the same [numeric] method of explaining the secrets of nature is once again being insisted upon in the new revelation of the 'Secret Doctrine', by H.P. Blavatsky. 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero -- symbol of the infinite and boundless universe'." [The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott, p. 15.]
The entire World Trade Center event was underlined with the occultic number 11. Occultists all over the world knew exactly what had happened and who did it.
Idols of past pagan societies have been formed in the likeness of fish, birds, animals, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. The mathematics underlying science and science itself they also worship. Inherent power is what they believe numbers possess.
To understand this fact, you need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills Paul's explanation of a pagan, of a Satanist, in Romans 1:25, "... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..."
There are events in the past which have the number 11 associated with them.
The Illuminati ended the First World War according to Albert Pike's occult plan to produce Antichrist. They deliberately ended it on the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month. (11 x 3 = 33) The signing of the Armistice agreement was undergirded by three eleven's!
We have zeroed in on the number 11, because this tragedy is undergirded by this number.
Why is the number 11 important to the occultist? As Wescott explains, "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
WWW - 666
Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value. W happens to be 6.