From the description of Babylon as a whore, we note that this nation was at one time married to the true GOD of Heaven but has turned a harlot and has gone whoring after other gods. Thus we know Mystery Babylon was at one time a godly nation but has now turned from the true GOD to the worship of idols and falsehood. She is an apostate!
We are told this nation is seated upon many waters. This reference is both literal and symbolic. The modern nation Babylon physically must possess a land which is seated on many oceans, rivers and great lakes. This also speaks symbolically that she must rule many peoples (waters refers to the nations) and has many diverse peoples as citizens or subjects.
We are told this nation has engaged in illicit or immoral acts with the rulers of the other nations of the earth. The modern Babylon therefore has political or economic ties to the rest of the planet through which she has spread her apostasy.
woman is clothed with royal clothing signifying her honor and authority, over
all of mankind. She is covered with great splendor signifying the riches of her
wealth and prosperity.
In the eyes of GOD, she is full of abominations, and filth of her fornication
and wickedness.
She is called Mystery Babylon for her true identity is a secret.
Modern Babylon is the mother of harlots and abominations on the earth in the last days, an apostate culture. She is the leader or mother of all the nations that will be deceived by the little prince.
John witnesses the woman is drunk, intoxicated, having lost her right mind, she is delirious, not from wine, but from blood - the blood of the saints of the Most High GOD. Mystery Babylon has persecuted and martyred the saints of the GOD of Heaven throughout the ages.
Though her true nature is revealed to John, he too, in his mortal mind wonders with great admiration at her beauty and her wealth. The angel then admonishes John, "Why are you marveling? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her." The woman has no power of her own, for she is being carried, and lifted up by the beast itself.
The identity of this beast is Satan, the great dragon. We are told "He was, and is not" for he "was" in authority over all the earth at one time, until JESUS CHRIST took the sins of the world upon Himself. In shedding His Precious Blood as a perfect sacrifice to GOD in His death on the cross, Jesus stripped the devil of his power, having canceled the accusations against us. Then the beast was cast down, and now "he is not" in authority. In the present hour, the beast is not in authority! Praise GOD! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD and the keys of death and Hades are in His hand, yet the beast continues to work, and await the day which is coming soon, when he will be released for a short time.
testifies of this judgment on the prince of the world, the beast.
He was judged at the cross, and then he was cast out of heaven into the earth.
The chosen of the LORD, now have the authority, because the beast is no longer the ruler of the earth.
All power and authority is now in the hands of JESUS CHRIST, and the Holy Spirit who restrains the beast, will allow him a little time to rule the kingdom of the earth once again, in the last half of the 70th week of Daniel.
the time this revelation was written by John, the woman Mystery Babylon which is
the spirit of Jezebel, had her seat of power in Rome (the city sitting on seven
hills). The ways of Rome are still very much alive today and far spread in the
world. Latin is still the world's language of science and many western
governments are constituted after Roman example.
But these seven hills which are the seven kings or heads also represent the
successive empires that would all be part of the genealogy of Mystery Babylon.
After the fall of Rome, this spirit of Jezebel was on the lookout for another
world empire on the rise.
The beast first appears as seven kings. They are the visible form of the beast appearing as human governments. The seven kings represent seven diverse empires or governments which will rule over the entire earth. The seven kings which conquer the earth under the authority of the beast are:
1. Assyria
2. Egypt
Babylon of the Chaldeans
4. The Medees and Persians
5. Greece under Alexander
6. Rome
7. The New World Order of United Nations
The first five kingdoms had fallen by the writing of this prophecy. Rome, the sixth was still in power. And the other, which is not yet come, is the New World Order. This final kingdom shall only abide for a little while - 42 months. Each of the kingdoms of the beast conquered the known world at that time. The first two had risen and fallen from power when Daniel was shown the prophetic revelation of what was yet to come. They were excluded from his vision, having already passed from the scene, yet these were also the beast exercising his dominion in the political history of man. Though appearing as independent sovereigns, these kings are puppets of the beast. The seven kings sit upon the throne of the beast, and rule in his authority, over the political realm of mankind.
Through the thrones of these seven kings, the beast himself, who is the eighth king, exercises his authority as the supreme ruler over the political realm of mankind. The beast does not rule in his own right, or in his own name, but rather rules through these horns which he has lifted up - his seven kings. The sons of darkness abide in the beast, even as the true believers, the chosen elect of GOD, abide in Christ.
Mystery Babylon is also the author of the last day's ecumenical movement through which the one world religion and government of the beast will subdue the earth.
So we learn that the whore is made up of people of different nationalities and languages, they are of diverse cultural backgrounds.
We also learn that she is the head of the nations, the super power of the earth.
her identity is clearly revealed. We are told she is the great nation state
which rules the earth in the last days. Can there be any doubt of whom this
prophecy speaks? There is only one nation which today fits this prophetic
picture and has fulfilled it literally: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
1. America was founded as a Christian nation under GOD, the only republic
founded for the purposes of GOD aside from Israel herself. Israel was GOD's
nation under the Old Covenant. The LORD called America for the New Covenant.
Modern America has turned into a harlot, having become an apostate from the
truth of GOD. Today, America worships the gods of money, fame and the pleasures
of immorality. Thus America fulfills the prophetic type of a whore perfectly.
2. America is seated upon many waters both literally and symbolically.
America physically sits on both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Great Lakes
and many great rivers, while her influence covers the globe. Symbolically, she
sits or rules over many nations through her leadership of the world during the
twentieth century. America also has a population from all over the earth. The
citizens of the earth worship at her gates, they worship the wealth that is in
her hands, and they all dream of the day they too can come to the great land of
America and share and drink of the golden cup that is in her hand. She
is the pride of the whole earth.
3. America is responsible for the United Nations plan for a New World Order, having financed and promoted this plan to conquer the earth for the rich men. Her form of government, a union of independent states, is the model for the One World Government of the prince who is to come, a United States of the World under the UN. The great seal of the US declares this in Latin, "Announcing the birth of the New World Order."
on the back of every one dollar bill
Bush Sr. also announced the
New World Order
"We are on the verge of a global
transformation. All we need
is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
- David Rockefeller
4. America has
polluted the world with her idolatry. The world has gone into debt with American
money from American banks, smokes American cigarettes, buys American weapons,
has imported America's abortion policies called family planning, and is
following the American sponsored UN. The world watches American movies, buys
American pornography, listens to American music, and idolizes the American culture of materialism and hedonism. America truly has polluted the earth with
her filth.
5. America is the mother of the falsehood of the earth at the time of the
end. Her gospel of materialism and secular democracy, have deceived the earth
into embracing the one-world system of the anti-Messiah. America is also the
mother of the great last day's apostasy of the true faith of Jesus Christ - the
one world false religion of the beast which is the global ecumenical movement
being organized under the World Council of Churches. America is also the mother
of the final deception of the church, the pre-tribulation rapture fable which
teaches that Christians will disappear "just in time", that the
greatest hour in the history of the world, the final battle between good and
evil does not involve God's people! All of
this falsehood came out of America!
Finally, America is the reigning super power over the earth in these last days.
The 20th century has been referred to as the American century. It is America
that has led the so called free world, since the post war era began in 1945. The
Scripture is clear, the end time nation called Mystery Babylon is the United
States of America! Weep America, for your hour of judgment has come.